Tips for Choosing a Gift

Tips for Choosing a Gift

Tips for Choosing a Gift

Finding the right gift is relatively easy.

Do some feel annoyed at the thought of a shopping marathon where they have to get various presents for more or less familiar or even relatively strange people? In addition, it causes many people a headache about how they can make others happy. And not just at Christmas time.

With these tips, you can avoid the stress of shopping and save yourself some brooding - and the gift recipient will remember it positively:

First, I would like you to please stay away from your taste.

When you think about a gift, please keep the recipient's tastes in mind rather than your own. For example, anyone who prefers to surround themselves with natural products will find little pleasure in a glittering rhinestone angel.

Don't choose a present that is too expensive.

Regardless of the value, a gift should make both the recipient and the giver feel good. For example, giving a gift that is too generous and expensive can embarrass others. In such cases, the joy of many is clouded because they fear that they will not be able to reciprocate accordingly. Such considerations are, of course, extra when it comes to gifts for children and young people.


Keep your distance

Pay attention to the level of familiarity with the gift recipient. Overly "intimate" gifts are inappropriate among relative strangers. These include, for example, clothing and perfume. Also, could you have the frame in which your presentation will be unwrapped in your considerations? Example: An unusual piece of lingerie may well bring joy to lovers. Nevertheless, it may be embarrassing for all members of the extended family clan to see them under the Christmas tree after opening the package.

Think about an exchange

It is often best to make an exchange offer directly, for example, where clothing items are appropriate as gifts, such as within the family. In the case of other advantages, too, such a note can sometimes save the recipient a lot of unpleasant thinking with the tenor: "May I ask about it, or is that insulting?".

Wrap gifts of money attractively.

On the one hand, to avoid mistakes when choosing gifts, vouchers and gift money are becoming increasingly popular. On the other hand, the latter is often requested - especially by young people - to save up for something "bigger." Anyone who hands over a "charged" plastic card or a pre-printed voucher in the shop to the person to be given the gift has little idea of "warm-hearted giving." Putting a bill in your hand in "tipping style" would be even worse.

In such cases, it is better to develop "loving" packaging. Even the inexperienced can do it with a bit of imagination and creativity. An excellent cover or an additional card completed by hand enhances the gift. And if all else fails, going to a flower shop will help: Have the voucher or money tied to a (small) bouquet or a decorated pine branch.


Giving sustainably

Consider giving away something that is becoming increasingly valuable: time - yours. You can make them visible with a particular voucher you write, print, or creatively design yourself. Starting with offers such as babysitting, watering flowers during the holiday, snow shoveling, tutoring for the godchild in a particular subject or ironing shirts, an invitation to the theater or cinema, a visit to the zoo or the circus, a bike ride or a walk together, to longer trips the range is vast. When making your choice, however, please ensure that the recipient does not incur additional costs.


DIY Gifts

Your time is also invested in homemade gifts. Depending on the talent, this can be delicacies such as jam, confectionery, savory pies or sauces, cookies, cakes, liquor, juices, and others. In the case of manual or artistic talent, ornamental objects and decorative elements are also suitable.

Bunker gifts in advance


Create a "gift fund" to fill with smaller or larger gifts throughout the year. This is particularly useful for everyone with a view to familiar people whose preferences or hobbies you know. Example: A family member collects things like owls, elephants, and buddhas. Whenever you see a relevant part that could add to this collection and that your wallet allows, stash it. So you not only have a present ready at the right moment - birthday, name day, Christmas, Mother's Day, Father's Day, or whatever. You also save yourself the frustration of not being able to find anything suitable at the exact moment you need it.

Pay attention to gift etiquette in business.

The tips also apply to business gifts for individual gifts, such as for a business partner’s birthday or a customer’s anniversary. The following restrictions apply to Christmas gifts: The taste of a single person from among those - such as customers and suppliers - who are to be assisted by a company cannot be decisive here. It's more about a marketing idea and about presenting your company image. It is essential to determine beforehand whether accepting gifts is permitted and, if so, up to what monetary value.


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