Baptism Decorations For Your Child

Baptism Decorations For Your Child

Baptism Decorations For Your Child


Baptism is a significant event celebrated only once in a lifetime. To make it memorable, it is essential to organize it well. A successful baptism necessarily involves setting up an original decoration. How to get there You can Discover our tips in this guide.

Highlight the name of the lucky person of the day

For a successful baptism decoration, it is essential to feature the name of the person who will be baptized. The furniture and walls of the space that will host the celebration should be decorated in a way reminiscent of them. You can use letter stickers, cardboard cut (and colored) in letters or fabrics to form his name and fix them on different supports. The gift table can, for example, be placed against a wall on which the first name will be stuck in an XXL version.

Have you planned a cake for the celebration? Why not personalize it by writing a short message followed by the initials of the newly baptized or using these same initials as an acrostic of a text? If your child is already old enough to express himself, ask him about his favorite colors and take them into account to create a beautiful decoration.

Table decoration

Tables are among the elements that most attract the attention of guests. It is, therefore, necessary to highlight them well. Bet this time on homemade products. Regardless of the chosen theme, you can make your small decorative accessories to decorate the central table:

Sugared almonds, Water lilies, and paper pixie boots;
Mini hot air balloons (using balloons and small baskets where you will place the sweets, for example)…
Laces, vases, terry towels, rubber ducks, lanterns, pompoms, and candles are also accessories you can use. The advantage of DIY is that you can customize everything you want to decorate the tables and chairs to your liking.

Use pendant lights to decorate the walls.

Do you want the atmosphere of the place to be majestic? So, bet on decoration in suspension, especially at the level of the walls. Depending on your taste, use paper lanterns, balloons, pennant garlands, and giant flowers... You can also hang light decorative accessories, pretty bouquets, or wreaths filled with flowers near the walls. The latter is also perfect for creating a softer or more rural atmosphere. Finally, you can opt for an arch of flowers or colorful garlands near the walls to make the atmosphere festive and chic.

If the baptism is to be celebrated outdoors, organize the layout around one or more trees. For example, provide lanterns, pompoms, and light garlands to hang on trees.

Provide a photo booth space

The photo booth is a device for taking instant photos that do not require the intervention of a photographer. Captured images can be retrieved locally. The photo booth is the new trend during happy events like baptisms. It is very popular with guests. Thanks to this device, you can fill up memories of this memorable day.

So, you'll need to arrange a space where it will be installed. In addition to decorating the location, leave some beautiful objects there: hats, wigs, and colored glasses... Your guests will be tempted to go there to take pictures while having fun.

To make an indelible mark on the celebration of your baptism or that of your child, you must think carefully about your decoration. To achieve this, feature the lucky person of the day by personalizing the furniture and the walls with his first name. You can also choose between many nice accessories to embellish the walls, tables, and chairs.


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